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SSTFI Volunteer and Judges Information

It takes many volunteers to make the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa a successful event for around 700 young researchers from across the state of Iowa. This is a two-day event hosted at Hilton Coliseum in Ames, Iowa and we need volunteers to assist in advance of the event and during the event. There are opportunities for those that have a background in science, engineering, and technology and for those that want to support STEM exploration in Iowa’s youth.

Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer judges are needed to interact with the youth that are displaying their science fair project. A general schedule for judges can be found here. Orientation for judges will be offered virtually the first week of March.

Senior High Judges

Time commitment is 4-5 hours between the hours of 8 AM – 5 PM during the week of March 8 and the week of March 22.
Judging coordinators are Carrie Galvan and Kimberly Murphy.

Junior High Judges

Time commitment is is 4-5 hours between the hours of 8 AM – 5 PM during the week of March 8 and the week of March 22.
Judge coordinator is Ethan Erickson.

Scientific Review Committee (SRC)

 Volunteers are needed in advance of the fair to review project submissions to verify they have all necessary paperwork submitted and guidelines are followed. The review is done online between February 1st and March 1st on your own time. SRC coordinator is Andrew Petersen.